- SITE-UL PROIECTULUI https://europeanstudentserasmus.wordpress.com
- PAGINA DE FACEBOOK A PROIECTULUI https://www.facebook.com/ERASMUSEuropean-students-responsible-motivated-and-useful-101942025596594
- Proiect e-Twinning: https://twinspace.etwinning.net/126166/home
Anunțuri selecție
- Informare selecție AK229LTC
- Anunt selectie GT profesori 2020
- Anunț + dosar selectie elevi LTC 2020
Prezentare proiect
- https://issuu.com/violetavio1/docs/prezentareproiect.pptx
Increased students participating in learning activity confidence in equal opportunities offered by the school for all students no matter the country
Increased understanding of democratic freedom in school of the students participating in the learning activity
Developing the ability to understand their role in school, community, country and the EU at present and in the future, to students participating in learning activity
Develop the ability to correctly filter information from environment, media and other sources, eliminating from their minds the false values, to the students participating in the learning activity
Increasing the positive attitude towards the school to students participating in project, until the end of project
Teachers: Developing at participants teachers the integration skills in the process of participant teaching and extracurricular methodologies, tools used by partners according to the project theme, focusing on eradicating the problems aimed in the project, taking into account the current problems of the EU and the rest of Europe. Traget group Direct: 60 students and 24 teachers participating in the project Indirect: 12 Accompanying Persons, students and teachers from high school participating in the project , students’ families,auxiliary staff of schools,local communities,partner schools to participating schools,schools around the secondary schools participating,NGOs,foundations,people with Internet access. This project aims to: Reducing absenteeism and inclusion of students with many absences in school community for school and professional success; Developing the civic spirit of the students, improving the confidence in school and themselves; Teachers will enrich the methodology used in the classroom/after-school to motivate students to come to school and achieve better results in school.
- ITALY-ISTITUTO D’ISTRUZIONE SUPERIORE “R. PIRIA” www.istitutopiriarosarno.gov.it
- SPAIN-INS Enric Borràs www.iesenricborras.cat
- ROMANIA-Tehnological High School Costesti http://liceultehnologic.info/
- TURKEY-Zubeyde Hanim Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi www.muglazubeydehanimmtal.k12.tr
Meeting project in Romania 11-13 DECEMBER 2020 OUR ACTIVITY IN PRESS ACTICLE
Although it is Covid, although we are in the online school, we Costești Technological High School and the partners from the Erasmus European project students responsible, motivated, intelligent emotionally and usefully, are mentioned in today’s local press (Ziarul Argeșul)! We work at the department, we work at Erasmus and we do not remain invisible. Thank you all, colleagues, partners from Italy, Spain, Turkey, for your support and involvement. Cu toate ca este Covid, cu toate ca suntem în școala online, noi Liceul Tehnologic Costești și partenerii din proiectul Erasmus European students responsible, motivated, intelligent emotionally and usefully, suntem menționați în presa locală de astăzi( Ziarul Argeșul)! Muncim la catedră, muncim la Erasmus și nu rămânem invizibili. Mulțumesc tuturor, colegilor, partenerilor din Italia, Spania, Turcia, pentru susținere si implicare.
- Calendar 2022
- Photo Album ,,Equality in Drawings and Equality With Words Photo Album"
Mobilitate în Turcia (Iunie 2022)
Mobilitate în ITALIA (01.09.2022-07.09.2022)
Muzeul Arheologic Național (al Bronzului)-Reggio di Calabria
Information - MUSEO ARCHEOLOGICO NAZIONALE DI REGGIO CALABRIA (museoarcheologicoreggiocalabria.it)
Mobilitate Romania (Mai 2022)
Mobilitate în Spania (Decembrie 2021)