Gazde ERASMUS-Job shadowing

  • În perioada 27-31 martie 2023, Liceul Tehnologic Costești a fost gazdă Erasmus prin activitate de Job Shadowing pentru liceul partener IS Ferdinando Galiani, din Napoli-Italia.
  • Erasmus+ Staff Mobility (Job Shadowing)KA122 n. 2021-1-IT02-KA122-SCH-000014807,  hosted by Liceul Tehnologic Costeşti, Romania
  • Activitatea a vizat dezvoltarea competențelor TIC aplicate în sala de clasă.
Activity / task 1: Dual debate and ICT
  • Participating in an interdisciplinary history-geography lesson, in which the problems of the contemporary world are addressed, students will work in teams and digital applications will be used. The dual debate is an active-participative method that involves the use of ICT and develops critical and lateral thinking.
  • - formulating debate proposals
  • -formulating arguments through digital navigation
  • - use of Videoshow, Canva, Socrative, Story Jamper.
  • After participating in the mobility, they will be able to understand the role and importance of using digital tools and e-learning platforms to energize and modernize lessons, to motivate students to study school subjects.

Mentor: Drăguț Violeta

  • Presentation of the school and the Romanian Education System

Mentor: Dorobanțu Mariana

Activity / task 2: Sports activity and digital applications
Participating in an Interdisciplinary Activity lesson of Physical Education and Sports combined with Informatics. This sports activity lesson combines information from STIAM, using Flashmob and Magisto digital applications Mentor: Banu Luiza Mariana, Neagoe Iuliana
Activity / task 3: Entrepreneurial education Financial resources
  • Entrepreneurial education Financial resources: the JA Inspire LMS platform, Socrates, Mentimeter.
  •   • Competences to use digital tools in real situations (telephone, remote guide, electronic computer, etc.).
  •   • Competencies to design documents and use basic electronic services (e-government, e-business, e-education) in communication and information acquisition, including through the Internet).
  • - Understanding and using the basics of information and communication technology
  • -Using the Microsoft Windows operating system and recognizing the peculiarities of various operating systems
  • -Using the Internet and carrying out electronic correspondence
  • -Text processing: proofreading, technical editing and formatting of texts
Mentor: Motrun Corina Violeta
Activity / task 4: Coordination lesson-Safe Internet
  • Using basic notions of computer security and ethics Understanding the concept of online/offline community - Socio-relational and communication skills - Trading and debating skills -Abilities of analysis, evaluation and synthesis
  • Using: WordWall, platform, CapCut
Mentor: Motrun Corina Violeta
Activity / task 5: Development of ICT skills through geography concepts
  • Development of ICT skills through geography concepts
  • The use of the notions of geography through computer ethics, the use of WordWall, Canva and applied reality applications
Mentor: Drăguț Violeta
Activity / task 6: STEAM competences
  • Developing digital skills by using them in math lessons
  • Participation of the lesson class The importance of using digital tools in education for student inclusion STEAM education - Practical activity: creating a STEAM project
  • - organization of statistical data in tables
  • - creating diagrams based on statistical data
  • -interpreting statistical data by calculating indicators
  • Canva, Kahoot
Mentor: Angelescu Alina Valentina
Activity / task 7: Developing language skills through the use of ICT
  • English lesson, transmission of new knowledge through the use of ISLcollective digital applications. Word wall
  • Developing skills through digital exercises and fixing skills through online level tests.
Mentor: Ghițulescu Daniela
Activity / task 8: Digital literacy skills for teachers
  • The opera Baltagul by Mihail Sadoveanu, a lecture combined with a power point presentation, a skit by student actors and the application of a digital test to confirm knowledge
Mentor: Gheorghe Georgeta
Activity/task 9:Soil and agricultural sciences studied through digital applications
  • Physico-chemical properties of soil, application with Kahoot
  • Pests, Diseases, Weeds, Application with Magisto, PicsArt, CapCut.
Mentor: Popescu Ramona Ionela
Activity / task 10: Digital physics and first aid in case of emergency
  • Digital physics and first aid in case of emergency
  • The need: learning first aid can increase the chances of recovery and survival of people who suffer various types of accidents
  • Physical quantities are found in first aid and will be identified.
  • For the initial assessment of first aid knowledge a test will be applied using the Wordwall application.
  • The demonstration activity will be followed by a survey of the students on their impression using Mentimeter, checking the acquisition of first aid concepts with a test on Socrative.
  • The promotion of the activity will be done with the materials made by the students in which Photo Grid and Magisto will be used
Mentor: Telescu Violeta
Activity / task 11: Digital applications and management activity
  • Participation in the management activity (director, accountant, secretary), the use of digital applications necessary for data transmission, data storage, interpretation and application of measures.
Mentor: Nicolae Gherghina